Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day Twenty-four - Oh no! It's almost time for Kanta to fly home :(

It was a nice quiet day for the kids today...they were able to sleep as late as they wanted this morning! I was at work so I don't know everything that happened, but I do know that they went fishing after lunch today with Benjamin and Patrick, two boys who have also become Kanta's friends. They weren't very successful though - Benjamin caught two fish, but that was all.

This afternoon Kanta started packing his suitcase to get ready to fly home to Japan. We are sad for him leave, but happy that he will soon see his family! Thankfully we still have two days, so we will have to enjoy them.

Kanta helped Julie in the garden this afternoon as well. They picked beans (green beans) and zucchini, and checked the other vegetables. He has been a great and happy helper!

On the way home from work I bought some parachute cord, which is small nylon cord. I bought it so that we could make survival bracelets. It was much easier to make them than I expected - Julie, Kanta, and Kendall each made two, and Gabby made three. I only made one, probably because I'm old and slow. After making the bracelets we sent the kids to bed - on time for a change!

Kanta started packing his suitcases today - oh no! The time has gone too quickly!

Here we are making the survival bracelets from parachute cord.

Kanta working on his survival bracelet and watching Japanese baseball songs on the computer. I asked him if they sing songs at Japanese baseball games like we do here in America, and he said yes - and found some on to show us! I asked because last night we sang the traditional song "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" during the seventh inning stretch at the baseball game.

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